Often it feels that people just tell you, “Hey you just have to be confident! it’s the sexiest thing a woman can wear!”
And you say to yourself, okay sure but where do I begin? Or do I just fake it till I make it? Can people tell if I do? What if my insecurities starting to show?
With every skill, comes practice. So let’s discuss ways the divine feminine builds her confidence on the daily. Building confidence surely does not happen with watching a few videos and reading a few how-to articles.
Let’s provide an operational plan for confidence (this is my Army side talking now lol)
1. Morning Work (“Dew” Diligence)
When you wake up you decide how your morning is going to go before the world decides how your day will go.
Try waking up 10 mins earlier each day until you have sufficient amount of time to execute your ideal morning and get ready for whatever will come your way.
Prioritization of what YOU want accomplished is very important. You fill your cup before anyone else’s in order to prevent burnout. You are your own caretaker. So be the best at it. Or else you won’t be able to keep up with what the world throws at you if you have a shaky foundation.

Practice: Wake up, and do the first thing that is the MOST important to you.
Either working out, working on your creative outlet (blogging for me), making that specialty cup of coffee with a hearty breakfast, or walking your dog and listening to an inspirational thought provoking podcast.
My favorite is “Impact Theory from Tom Bilyeu”. He has great speakers regarding how to optimize fat loss with controlling your hormones, the psychology of technology and many more very interesting topics!
Rushing Woman Syndrome
This running out the door in half crazed manner activates our cortisol and keeps us in a stressed zone (which keeps our mid-section fat conservative).
You want to ensure you have time to make yourself presentable to the world. How you keep yourself even if you’re just at home, will greatly affect how you walk, speak and talk to people.

Why this brings confidence to The Divine Feminine Woman: She knows that she has to nurture herself by taking care of her body as a temple. She takes her time with her morning cleansing and adoration routine (this could mean a face scrub, moisturizing and some accentuating makeup with some scented perfume).
She knows that this is very important for her to thrive in a chaotic world. She knows she’ll be more confident with speaking to people and holding eye contact, if she genuinely feels she is in her element (physically and mentally).
2. Coffee & Strategize Your Best Work
Clarity brings confidence.
Work out a plan for how you want to execute the day, the week, whatever you have time for before you get your day rolling.
A confident woman has goals, multiple projects, and milestones she’s trying to hit.
She accomplishes this by taking “bites” out of the Goliath that is her goal. And records what she was able to complete in her timeline. She works out a realistic schedule for herself and front loads her “best work” in the morning.
Her best work is her passion project that she really believes in and the workflow comes easy when she is working on it.

Why clarity brings confidence to the Divine Feminine Woman
Why this brings confidence to the The Divine Feminine Woman:
This type of planning (may it be a notepad, spreadsheet, or calendar), allows the Divine Woman to feel she has some control in the way her life is headed.
Having it all laid out in clear details with a daily plan to achieve it (down to scheduling her week on Sundays), she feels the energy of momentum and this gives her the confidence that she is moving towards a life that is meant for her!
3. Sign up for a New Class
Growing confidence amongst strangers can be the hardest thing to do but taking a class together already creates a commonality you can bond on.
You can do either of the following types of classes (find a deal on GroupOn for multiple class packages or single class Or try a class for free if they have).
Yoga, Barre, Pilates, Tap Dancing, Spinning, Clay Making, BYOB Painting Class, Glass Art, IronWorks classes, Woodshop, Calligraphy classes, Ballroom or Latin Dancing, Guitar classes, Sewing Classes, Roller Skating Classes etc!

4. Volunteer in Your Community
Find ways you can give back to your community and inspire the change you want to see.
I would recommend going on VolunteerMatch.org, Idealist.org, or Facebook for volunteer events if time is limited. You can use whatever skillset you have and put energy and love back into the community.
My volunteer work: I personally enjoy editing resumes and helping people get ready for jobs. I also feel strongly about helping youth in crisis stay in school and stay the path for a successful life. Mentorship is definitely my way of giving back to those who need the extra assistance.
We are social beings and feeling like we are interconnected and taking care of our community makes us more hopeful for the future and it develops a more invested mindset as community stakeholders.
Why volunteering brings confidence to the Divine Feminine Woman:
It allows her to be apart of the world in a nurturing way by localizing her energy towards her immediate surroundings. By volunteering with others and the organization coordinators, she is building confidence through all these dynamic relationships and collective purpose.
It feeds her mind and soul by being active in her community, because she knows she is bestowing her best skillset in a positive manner.
She is not being stagnant and makes time for her community to develop and thrive.
5. Cultivate your Creativity with Out-of-the-Norm Projects
Whenever we take on a creative project where we curate something, create something from raw materials, or manifest our thoughts into writing, we are feeding our creative AND analytical side.
Pick a project that you are not entirely sure you have the skills for. Work on those skills, hone them in, and take your time! Learning new skills truly gives us versatility and confidence!
Projects to try:
Sewing a simple dress, starting your own blog, creating a garden plan of native plants, planting seedlings for vegetable crops, learning new choreography with a class, making your own reading nook with old furniture, writing a short story or poems, taking up the drums, redecorating a room (hobby room/nook) etc..
We are exercising our brain whenever we try to work on our creative hobbies or projects, because we’re critically thinking what colors to use, what words to write, what medium best expresses us!

Why a passion project can bring confidence to the Divine Feminine Woman:
It allows her to reach deeper into her soul, as she learns to trust herself in figuring out her process for this new project.
We have this vast knowledge within us, we are always taking in information, and ideas. Creativity is unlocked with time, patience and focus.
The divine feminine woman knows she simply needs to trust her own voice and decisions. And this gives her confidence to take on the new project and complete it!
And sometimes we just need to carve out time for a creative hobby in order to sit with our thoughts, process it, and unleash those ideas and visions.
Being a visionary gives us a confidence in our own voice that we often ignore in light of other “pundits”.
The answers have always been with you. Express and just listen.