If you feel like you are not in tune with your feminine self, then there are definitely quite a few activities you can partake to activate your feminine energy. Quite often we are so focused on productivity, being proactive, competitive or trying to control our environment to the best of our ability–it’s simply too much stress on our masculine energy! For us to feel balanced and fulfilled we need to keep that balance and provide space for the feminine energy. The following activities are some ways to activate your feminine energy with immediate and cascading results.

1. Roller Skating
This can be a solo activity or a partner activity. I have two skating rinks near me and they have beginner, intermediate and derby classes. They also have themed skate sessions like Coffee and Skate.
I went there a few Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. And the vibe is always killer! The evening ones are especially awesome because everyone is dancing and jamming out with their friends. I was there alone but that didn’t matter because everyone had this free-flowing open vibe where I easily made friends with just a casual “I love your light rollers”.
How it heals: This just allows you to be more in touch with the inner girl in you. Get your wrist guards on if you’re bit on the clumsier side and just skate to your hearts content! If you’re skating outside, just go either early mornings or evenings, put on headphones and skate like no one’s watching!
2. Cooking from Scratch
Finding fun recipes to cook with some wine, jazz music playing and your favorite candles flickering by the windowsill is such a delight. An added bonus is a floofy cat or dog to dance around with in between stirring. Morning cooking is also a great way to start your days, or at least your weekend. The tone is to slow down. The purpose is to be more intentional with your cooking and yourself.
Collect recipes that are your favorite and get a physical recipe box. It’ll help you spend less time on the computer and just more time being present with physical recipes notecards to sift through.
Sometimes going back to the basics is what we need to reconnect to our simple joys.
I also believe writing recipes out in a more flowy cursive writing with your favorite pen can bring us to a more softer place in our minds. You may feel more unfettered, unhindered and just a calm confidence that everything is right where it should be. The power of the right pen, right?
How it heals: Cooking in such a relaxed eventful way helps you reconnect with your feminine side of self-nourishment and play. You can do this as a date night with yourself and snuggle up to a lighthearted movie after. Cooking for yourself helps you feel taken care of, plus you feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards!

3. Planting/Gardening (Nursery and Coffee Runs)
May it be either indoor seedling gardening or planting a few shrubs and perennials, plant care is therapeutic for the feminine energy.
Get some seeds and try getting them to sprout. You’re going to love it when they finally do show some root! The routine of taking care of them and possibly getting produce or some beautiful flowers out of it will be quite rewarding.
I would start out small with a few seeds or just one plant. There’s a whole community around gardening so you’re soon going to go down the rabbit hole of watching educational videos on which soil pH you need!

I got my tri-colored dappled willow shrubs from Fast Growing Trees.com and absolutely love love taking care of them and seeing them grow. They have really great customer service for their tree, plant products.
Click here if you want to see/get these shrubs
How it heals: It provides a sense of quiet focus and peace. It helps an individual realize that they are planting seedlings that they may or nay not see later. Only after prolonged care of regular water with sun absorbing placement can one see the fruits of their labor. This requires a sort of release of control and puts a focus on cultivating, feeding and nourishing. You’re watering these plants, but really you’re watering your own growth in patience. You are watering and nurturing your feminine side.

4. Dance Lessons (partner and solo)
I took partner classes with this local Classic Tango business called BackStreet Tango. It was very inexpensive for us. $40 for 10 classes! If anything look for some on Groupon as well.
And girl, let me tell you that was the first time I realized how I only knew how to lead and had no patience or trust to be led. My boyfriend at the time (now fiancé) would get there and fumble around with our footing for the first half. I kept anticipating his steps and he was overthinking every move. Soon we were able to stop dissecting the dance so much and just enjoy the intuitive movement the dance called for from our bodies.
If you do not have a partner than take any local dance classes (once I again I would resort to Groupon) and take anything that requires rhythmic movement and allows you to be free to feel with always being “on”. We require moments where we are just moving for joy not for constant productivity.
How it heals: I was able to learn to just trust my partner (great to do with a significant other). I started to feel myself let go of control. I just enjoyed him swaying me about and taking charge. It felt absolutely amazing to release that stress of control and emotional labor of figuring it all out. If he messed up a step or I didn’t follow with ease. It didn’t matter we just kept going again until we were more at ease with each other. It was truly beautiful.
Taking classes on your own, also lets you see yourself in another light. That confident sensual light will be exuded when you go about your business with the rest of your day. That confidence has a cascading effect that will encourage you to further take care of yourself, thus re-activating the feminine energy.
5. Vision Board Crafty Creations
By starting a vision board you are opening up your creative mind to think of all the hopes and dreams you want to manifest. The vision board project is a tangible visual manifestation of all the wonderful things you can think of for your future. It can be about relationships, career, projects, hobbies, literally any goal or vision you have for your life! Think it up, print it out and pin it on the vision board for a constant creative reminder.
How it heals: The feminine energy thrives off of creation. It needs it to feel free and fulfilled. Creating a vision board is essentially an art project with your dreams being physically visualized. The vision board helps you explore your thoughts and feelings allowing you to dive deeper into your internal feminine side.
And if all else fails, adopt a cat and take him the local famers market! Shameless plug of my cute Mush who brings me endless amounts of cuddles and joy.

I hope you enjoyed reading the five ways to re-activate your feminine energy. I have tried these methods myself, and I can contest that whenever I slow down and allow for creativity to take its space, I enjoy life so much more as the graceful confident woman I know myself to be.