There are often times when you can’t help but ask your significant other if they’re truly attracted to your look. You may have ventured forth and checked out their previous partners and realized perhaps your out of the ordinary for him. Perhaps you don’t fit the mold for what he usually finds attraction.
So you ask him, “Hey, am I even your type?”
Why the Dark Feminine Would Never Ask This
The Dark Feminine would never ask this because she knows this would immediately devalue herself in front of this man.

She understands that everyone may have a vision of a woman that they are drawn to for whatever historical or even biological reason. (It may even just be that this woman has the maternal energy of his mother).
However, to ask this question from a potential partner who has already shown interest is futile.
Why It Hurts Your Value
It seems as if you’re trying to convince yourself that you’re actually someone worth pursing and that you are his true object of desire.
This allows for you to feel safe, because a man head over heels for you, should not stray, right?
The most innate desire we have as women is to have a man completely head over heels for us, to look at us as if we are to be adored, and we are indeed what they intrinsically have been searching for.
There is an air of desperation when we let our desires run wild into our imagination. We imagine that if we keep pushing for answers, we eventually will help the man realize he is in love with us.
That’s not how it works. You push him away more, the more you question yourself through his eyes.

Men (like most people in general), do not respect desperation, over-eagerness, and self-doubt. It is a sign of weakness. And psychologically, that’s not the woman they would want as a partner through or perhaps a mother to their children.
Because this means he will always have to be the bedrock for himself AND You. It’s a lot of responsibility to be the emotional loadstone ALL the time.
The Dark Feminine Ego
However, the Dark Feminine knows that her demeanor, her allure, her confidence alone can draw just about anybody in her direction.
She does not have to fit any sort of mold or “type” to be adored. And quite frankly, she does not care. If she doesn’t fit your type and you dare try to change her, you may just have to see yourself to the door.
She has worked hard on herself, and has endured hardship in her life, so why would she let some silly boy who may still be searching for himself, make her quiver?
Her ego manifested is to keep her shoulders back, her head up high, her gaze steady, and her voice filled with intent (no anxiousness, or word vomit to put it in laymen’s terms).
How the Dark Feminine Stands Out
She separates herself from the rest of the female pack by not seeking validation, not seeking constant affection, not searching for this whimsical romance that sweeps her off her feet.
The Dark Feminine is grounded in reality and not seeking a prince charming that will validate her existence as someone worthy to be loved.

She rather likes the feeling of power and the feeling of enjoying the stability of her own grounding.
She would instead, enjoy herself with you. Not have you enjoy her without limits.
What to Do Instead
Ask yourself, are you someone you would want to date?
Do you have all the successful traits an individual looks for when courting or looking for a long term mate?
If the answer is a hesitant maybe, then look deeper into how you can pump up that confidence with yourself. Because any casting of doubt on yourself WILL leave you vulnerable to the anxious self questioning thought, “Am I even his type?”.
Here’s an article that goes over all the ways to boost your confidence, feed your soul, and re-adjust your sense of healthy ego.
How to Build Confidence as a Woman: A Daily Routine for the Divine Feminine Woman.
Here’s something to say to yourself while your discovering new ways to feed your own ego (in a healthy way).

Dark Feminine Affirmations
I am beautiful, strong, and loyal. My heart is kind but self-aware. My mind is curious yet cautious. I do have fear but I am relentless. I challenge myself to be the woman the girl in me desires.
Dark FEminine Affirmations
I will not let anyone push me aside, talk over me, speak to me out of turn, look at me as an object, ignore me without reason, use me a comfort or diminish the words.
I deserve more, I am more.
I am the light, I am the force, I am the woman of my ancestors.
Feel free to edit as needed especially the last sentence. Let it fit the type of energy you feel closest too. In my case, I feel I shine light onto others, and I bring a forceful energy that pushes them to be more ambitious.
So feel free to edit these affirmations to suit!
Say them whenever you feel weak or you start to questions your own decisions and thoughts.
Be the reminder that you need. You are everything and more.