Having a tangible representation of who you want to be, what you want to be, and where you want to be is very helpful in keeping in aligned to your vision. A life size vision board is perfect for consistent reminder of your goals.
And so I made one that represented my overall vision for myself and my future success, so that I can be reminded by it daily by glancing it at in between moments spent working.

A vision board is great for that that type of daily goal reminder and re-alignment if you find yourself becoming bored, exhausted or losing clarity.

A vision board also is great for revitalizing your feminine energy because it allows you to picture how you will balance and manifest your energies.
There are plenty of vision boards available for sale online. However, I liked the DIY one I created
Pinterest Desktop Vison Board DIY:
1. Figure out your optimal Vision Board measurements & base
For reference my DIY Vision Board: 24×36 plywood
Materials for the DIY Vision Board

- Soft wood base like Cedar or Plywood. You can also use a Cork Board if you want.
- They sell some for similar sizes for cork board here.
- Recommendation: I would recommend the corkboard or a softer wood than plywood. The plywood is sturdier but it does require a bit of a firm grasp when you push a pin.
- What I did: I used plywood (9/16 in) can be cut into 6 pieces. I will be using the other pieces to create vision boards for family and friends. And whatever I don’t use will be for making floating shelves.
- Quilt Batting, Fabric (old or new) and Staple Gun
- Batting: Get some thick quilt batting. I got mine from Hobby Lobby. This is the one that I got. You want it to be thick to allow some cushion for the pushpin.
- Fabric: I only used two pieces (slightly bigger than 24 x 36) to cover the edges. Fabric can be whatever aesthetic you want. I got used old frayed curtains. But you can get fabric from JOANN (1 yard). I like my old whispy white curtains because it gives an airy clean look with some texture.
- Staple Gun: I picked up a Stanley Staple Gun for $13.99 at the Ace Hardware store and the associate got me the staples that go with it (as pictured below!).

2. Start Cutting and Stapling!

- Lay the base, cut the batting enough so it can go over the edges and sides. (one inch in the back). I used two layers of batting here.
- Lay the fabric down under the base and cut around the edges too. (I used my sewing fabric pencil to make the markings for cutting).

3. Push the batting around the edges and staple the batting first so it’s all evenly distributed and there is no frumpiness. Stretch it a bit so it’s all even on the main front side.
4. Take the fabric and fold it over on the edges (making it as neat as possible, the backside will not be showing so we’re just tucking it & stapling). I also used sticky double-sided 3M sticky tape to taper down some spots for a neater look.

5. And then take the Staple Gun and just staple the fabric around the edges. I left the back bare since it will be leaning against the wall. You can spray paint it or add a polyurethane to give it a glossy sealed look.
Prepping the Picture Placement for the Vision Board

1. Write out categories of images you want.
Think of how your dreams look, how does she look?
What does she do? Where does she live and what does she do to progress and relax?

2. Take a bunch of images from Pinterest and upload it to the Walgreens/CVS app and submit the photos for print. (Mine was a little over $8 and I printed about 27 pictures–not all pictured here).

3. I got a satin silver pushpins from OfficeMax. I also used mounting tape in conjunction with the push pins because I didn’t want a busy aesthetic. Just a few pins adjoining pictures and some mounting tape to secure the surrounding pictures. Here’s a similar aluminum pushpin box from Amazon here.
You want the vision board to be aesthetically pleasing to you and something you enjoy looking at as as constant reminder to stay disciplined to attain the life you have in mind.
Every time I glance over at my favorite board quote "The fact that you aren't where you want to be should be enough motivation.", I immediately get the energy to hit the gym. So you want some words of encouragement that will also kick your bum into gear.
Inspiration for your Vision Board:
Daily Routine for a Woman Entering into Her Villain Era is a great article in visualizing how to show up as the woman you want to be in a self-nourishing way.
5 Activities that Activate Feminine Energy is a useful article if you’re looking for ways to nourish your softer side and move away from the overdrive of hustle mindset.
Defining the Dark Feminine Makeup: Subtle Dark Feminine Aesthetic is really helpful if you want to embody a subtle clean but alluring aesthetic for your makeup look. The makeup accessories are also a bit more sophisticated in aesthetic as opposed to the coming of age girly vibe.