The Dark Feminine does not feel sorry for herself if she is single. She is single by choice because she is not going to settle for a boy disguised as a man that will eventually drain the spark in her. That’s a non-negotiable, you’re not going to take away her charm and lust for life.
She will continue to vet men for the right man that exhibits the strong values she shares and unwavering principles that she can respect.
In the meantime, she’s not going to forego showing herself love on Valentines Day. So let’s see how her day unfolds.
Weekend Morning Coffee & Nourishment Writings
A strong cup of coffee or tea to get the day going, along with a quick self care nourishing mask as she writes down all of the things she enjoys about herself and how she will cultivate ways to nourish any & all insecurities.

The Dark Feminine does this so she can frame her mindset in a positive way, sparking ideas of how she wants to craft her day that best serves her needs for the day.
Everything she does is intentional and she has a high sense of awareness of herself. That’s why she frames her mindset and plans out her day accordingly. Plus she knows not to rush out the door without centering herself first.
Curated Shopping of the Self Care Essentials
She goes to stores that are dedicated to gourmet self indulgence. This is to provide her with decadent items that she can consume in her private quiet moments of relaxation.
The act of going there instead of shopping online is an act of self care as well. As she gets to try samples and taste the different types of truffles for example before she picks the perfect one for herself (without a doubt of its quality).

Examples include:
Chocolate Truffles, Gelato Shops, Fruit & Chocolate Edibles

Gourmet Coffee/Tea Shops/Organic Wine Shops

Romantic Candles, Home Bath Essentials, and Luxe Lotions

Makeup or Perfume (if desiring a new lipstick, bronzer or new smell)

Relaxation and Meditation
She also takes the time to unwind and enjoy herself with some scheduled relaxation on Valentines Day weekend. She needs time to allow herself to be soft and have a release of tension.
This could mean a long spa bath, light reading, a scheduled massage, going to a bathhouse, or getting a relaxing steam/spa facial done.

Personally speaking I would set up a eucalyptus bath and add a bath bomb of muscle relaxation (lavender scented perhaps).
And then I would set up a relaxing video that can help me meditate into deep relaxation.
Going into a deep meditative mindset takes time so having the right visual environment, soothing audio or guided audio is what she needs to control her breathing and let go of that stress that has may have crept up into her shoulders and neck.
A bath neck pillow would be perfect as well for this setup.
Now at this point she can either order her food in and just get out of the bath, moisturize and order/make her favorite meal with some organic wine.

She can choose to slip into an evening cocktail dress, get her hair styled at the salon the way she wants it, apply some defining makeup to enhance her look, spritz a captivating scent for a delicious evening in town.
Reserve the Evening for a Divine Dinner & Show
She has made herself reservations to a beautiful scenic restaurant right before a theater show or a burlesque show nearby.

The Dark Feminine knows how to enjoy the serenity of having a beautiful delicious meal to herself amongst the liveliness of a busy restaurant. She makes the reservation ahead of time ensuring she can request for a certain table that offers her the best vantage point for people watching and seclusion.
She picks a place that has warm lighting and has a full menu (including wine and cheese appetizer options as well as desserts). Burrata with olive oil and wine is paired perfectly for a starter meal.
She then goes off to a show, the ballet, or a sizzling burlesque show to enjoy the rest of the evening with some laughs and wonderment.
Unwinding for the Night
She then ends the evening by taking a steamy shower, moisturizing herself, and takes out a soft cool to the touch sleeping garment. Rolls her hair or braids its to keep it from tugging while she sleeps.
Moisturizes her feet and puts on some cozy socks.
And turns a few page to read from her favorite novel before getting the much needed rest for the next day to be her best self.