Lilith Rising: What does that even mean?

Lilith from the book of Genesis is truly the first woman that emerged from clay about the same time Adam was created.
She was from the Earth, not from Adam’s rib like Eve. She did not want to be subservient to Adam’s whims as his wife, so she left him & paradise to embark on her freedom. Eve was then later created from the rib of Adam, to create a companion to combat his loneliness and more willing to stay to bear children.
Lilith has been demonized in many different religious texts, scrolls and mythology. There is no one account of Lilith, but all agree she is a woman of fierce power and is not the archetype to bend the knee. If you’d like to briefly read the many historical accounts of her you can find them here.
Lilith has been on the rise in pop culture because many women resonate with her wilding spirit and also want to liberate themselves from the shackles of society, turbulent relationships and their own misguided sense of self.
Are you ready to embark on your own Lilith Rising?
You must first ask yourself what is that you crave the most.
What does your inner desire lean towards? Are you looking to partner up with a man and in turn be rewarded with security, passion, and protection?
Or is your desire more ambitious?
Are you in search of a freedom that grants you the leisure to do as you please, but also take in a companion as you see fit. Not in exchange for necessary protection or security, but instead for enjoyment and friendship. If he doesn’t fulfill that expectation, then he can leave.

The subservient-dominant loving partner role can come in many forms. Below are some examples if you are closer related in spirit to the elder Eve.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to forego a partner because you choose to be more like Lilith. The entire basis is that you do not like to have a supportive perhaps pampered role. You rather be the woman who takes turn behind the wheel because you enjoy the ride and love to see your skills at play.

Traits derived from Eve’s role
- You find ways to make others happy so you can feel more purposeful and fulfilled.
- You are searching for a partner to provide structure, guidance and warmth that you may lack in your life.
- You are a giver by nature and obtain true joy from giving yourself in whichever way suits the occasion or the day.
- You get pride from self-sacrifice.
- You want to serve your partner in a way that allows him to grow and flourish in his success.
- You only are motivated to do things (for instance perhaps go workout) if your partner is ALSO willing.
- If he is not willing, you decide you can also reschedule.
- If he is willing, you make it a prerogative to go with him.
- You may find that you look to others (partner) for guidance before you listen to your inner voice. (You don’t mind relinquishing your power to your partner).
- You wait for him to plan how the day will be spent (especially weekends).
- You wait for him to realize his mistakes if he has wronged you.
- You do not enjoy solitude, life for you is to be spent with others. Being alone even for a moment can feel like time wasted.

Depending on your desires, you will attract and keep the man that best fits the relationship you want and the life you want to pursue. You want a relationship where you serve as equals and you indulge each other.
You are powerful and a force to be reckoned with.
You are not a woman that defines herself through a partnership. You are the main role in your life.

Traits derived from Lilith
- You think about what makes you happy and act.
- You enjoy not having expectations of servitude to anyone (you are not obliged to do anything, you do things because you are willing to do so).
- You do not wait for him to curate the day or activities. You are brilliant woman and can take the lead where you are better.
- You speak your mind even when the truth will not land softly.
- You are no one’s property and no one’s keeper.
- You have a lust for life and seek to push the envelope on the experiences you can attain in one lifetime. Even if it means doing so alone.
- And most importantly your solitude does not scare, you romantically get lost in it. Your world within you and outside of you is the best you have created.
Somewhere in Between

Perhaps you’re somewhere in between. The real power is knowing when to call upon the Eve and the Lilith in you. You are a woman who curates her own role in life.
You are made of this Earth. You are to make your own steps in the sand and every now then look back to see if you are a woman with regrets. If so, then take a different step.