The Dark Feminine does not feel sorry for herself if she is single. She is single by choice because she is not going to settle for a boy disguised as a man that will eventually drain the spark in her. That's a non-negotiable, you're not going to take away her charm and lust for life. She will ...
5 Simple Ways to Unplug from the Stress & Step Into Your Soft Intentional Era
Guiding you away from burnout and into your quiet life. You might be struggling with the fog of stress and in search of the proper emotional regulation of it. Let's go over some ways you can use feminine/calming energy activities to unwind from the heightened emotions. 1. Social ...
The Modern Woman’s Epic: How to Find a Strong Man Without Becoming One
Most women are depleted from trying to be the man they wish they could find. There is barely a chance to be soft and explore our more feminine side because we're constantly thinking of ways to be competent at work, work on our physique, prep for healthy foods (since we're too tired or busy ...
How To Encourage His Masculine Energy in Simple Daily Moments
Written by JWM (husband of duty & femininity writer) 1. Provide general guidance, but allow him to make final decisions occasionally. I'm not saying he always has to make the decisions, but it is healthy to let him lead from time to time. You don't always have to be the one in charge, ...
Dark Feminine Dating: How to Stop Asking Him if You’re His Type
There are often times when you can't help but ask your significant other if they're truly attracted to your look. You may have ventured forth and checked out their previous partners and realized perhaps your out of the ordinary for him. Perhaps you don't fit the mold for what he usually finds ...