We're going to get straight to the point. There is a guy, and he is confusing the hell out of you. You want to reach out but you need to get your emotions and thoughts in order. So let's deep dive into the steps we need to take before you confront him. Because as a woman who is trying to step ...
How To Increase Your Feminine Energy Through Movement
Engaging your feminine energy through movement requires connecting with your mind and body on a deeper level that can illicit a healing response with a more in-tune awareness your strength. These feminine energy movements truly will revitalize you and remind you just how fun, strong and graceful ...
5 Things You Must Know About Your Partner Before You Move In Together
1. What is your partner's stance on money management and planning? I probably can't stress enough how important is for y'all to be on the same page when it comes money spending, budgeting, utility consumption, and expense responsibilities. All of that has to be discussed prior in meticulous ...
How to Plan the Weekend with your Husband or Partner
I was looking on Eventbrite for fun things to do in Austin for the evening, my husband was not excited about that drive. I felt myself starting to get annoyed, because he was ready to just hit the gym and be a hermit for the day. SO, I encouraged us to sit down as a couple, with some coffee and I ...
The Feminine Revelation of a Lilith Rising: Are you more Eve or Lilith?
Lilith Rising: What does that even mean? Lilith from the book of Genesis is truly the first woman that emerged from clay about the same time Adam was created. She was from the Earth, not from Adam’s rib like Eve. She did not want to be subservient to Adam’s whims as his wife, so she left him ...