To tap in and channel your feminine energy, a great way to start your weekend morning is to tend to your garden (or indoor plants). Creating a good environment for the plant, lets you feel more at peace because you’re enriching your space. Enriching your space with calming, beautiful lively plants lets you breathe better, eases any chaos within you and reminds you to slow down a bit. All of this contributes to your feminine energy, giving it the space it needs to flow naturally as you provide care for plants inside and/or outside.
Gardening outside also allows you to be in the sun and take in the rays which is a great mood regulator. Getting some early morning sun, tending to the land, listening to the birds, and creating wells for your new plant addition makes you feel more connected to your nurturing self as well as your home. Say goodbye to burnout and depression and hello to a slower, intentional and more connected life.

Chart It Out! (Native Plant Matching Sites)
Wake up early make your coffee and chart out what plants you’re going to either get, tend to or transplant. I would start with one or two plants so you can put it in your calm corner. M
Your calm corner is a place where you do your meditation or reading. It’s a place of zen, rest, creativity, and learning. Every calm corner should have a few earthy elements to help you visualize grounding yourself when the world just starts to spin a bit too fast.

If you’re new at this, I would recommend make a plan first of what works best for your environment!
My favorite website is, which allows you to enter the closest city up top and it shows you which plants are for your growing zone. They also have this neat plant finder match which will basically match you up with the best plants for the area you’re looking for (indoor/outdoor), how much light that space gets, your watering habits, pets etc. It’s a great way to figure out which plant to pick for a newbie as well as someone looking for the perfect plant in their dimly light living room.
Native Plant Finder
If you’re interested in giving your garden the best chance to thrive and really add to the ecosystem, then I would definitely consider native plants. Native plants have formed symbiotic relationships with native wildlife over thousands of years, and therefore offer the most sustainable habitat.
Native plants help the environment the most when planted in places that match their growing requirements. They will thrive in the soils, moisture and weather of your region. That means less supplemental watering, which can be wasteful, and pest problems that require toxic chemicals. Native plants also assist in managing rain water runoff and maintain healthy soil as their root systems are deep and keep soil from being compacted.
Enter your zip code to find the best native plants, attract butterflies and moths, and support birds and other fauna Native Plant Finder is an indispensable tool, based on the research of Dr. Douglas Tallamy of the University of Delaware and in partnership with the United States Forest Service

Figure out what plants work for your soil PH and sun exposure in your area. For instance if you’re in more extreme weather like in Texas, you might want flowering plants that are bit more drought resistant and sun tolerant. In Washington state, you would want plants that are don’t necessarily need full sun all the time (since it rains so much up there). You can also look at some of these no-fuss garden plans if you have the space on here.
But remember any plant you get, let it acclimate first in non-harsh conditions whilst it stays in its original pot (a place with overhead shade) and then bring it into soil.

Garden Journal
I would recommend getting a journal and write out all the plants that work in your grow zone, sun conditions, and for your placement needs (privacy shrubs for e.g.)
And then I would create a focus area, perhaps either a tree or a sitting area and work the garden around that to make it something YOU can enjoy for longer periods of time–places of gather and reflection. Work around a “center piece” you know you’ll be visiting frequently. In the image, below it can be a bench you go to for sitting reading or journaling outside.

Here’s a good customized journal I like for planning this all out! The more unique the journal is to your style the more you’ll enjoy and cherish using.
If you want to make it a habit, make it enjoyable and something to look forward to when writing in your Garden Journal. the whole experience should be a pleasure and it will be something you stick with!

Having a garden journal like this personalized one is great because you can freehand what you would like to see in your space (whatever it may be, patio, balcony or your indoor spaces of comfort).
It organizes your thoughts and let you figure out what you would like to have first. And then you chart out a home for it. And don’t forget to coordinate complementary plants for weed blockage and best growth!
I would also recommend getting a nice set of colored pencils to use for your garden drawings and the plants you want. It’ll really let your creative side and imagination flow freely. Pencil out what you would like and bring it life with some colored pencils. You can get these Crayola Colored Pencils from Amazon if you’d like.
You can also just dedicate a few pages to the plants you do want. And draw in a plant wish list with their growing details. The less you are on a computer or in front of a screen the better. This is supposed to be a fun relaxing intentional experience. That’s why I like to draw it out instead of GoogleSheet’ing everything. It makes it less “productivity” obsessed and more of the hand crafted curations of your heart’s desire.

Drawing in beautiful flower plants/herbs/trees allows your feminine energy to really flourish in this space. You’re essentially nourishing your mind and soul by slowing down like this. It’s restorative especially when you do hard goal oriented tasks all the time. It let’s you think more intentionally about what you want as well.
Coffee & Nursery Hopping
Grab your favorite cup of coffee, a woven basket or collapsible crate and jump into your car to head out to the closest nursery. And if the weather especially nice, wear one of your flowy dresses to get that breeze.
My favorite is checking which nurseries have native plants to the area to really give it a fighting chance if you believe to not have a green thumb.
You can also really get all your questions answered on plant placement, watering, potting, and soil mixtures from the nursery experts.

You can also just make a fun trip out of it and meet the nursery habitant dwellers. Here are some friends my husband and I made at Barton Springs Native Nursery.

Placement for the Plant and for your Lifestyle
Start off with a small batch so you can test out which area works best for those particular plants. You want to take baby steps as a plant mama so you don’t get discouraged. For instance do not put a spider plant on the top shelf of a coffee cart just because it looks cute and then end up killing it because you’re too short to reach it without a step stool. And so, it’s not within easy reach and often forget to water it since it’s not in eye-line or in a more common space. And so that poor plant gets forgotten about because of the inconvenient location its put in. And a spider plant is pretty hard to kill!
Instead put the plant in common usage areas where you know you will be at daily.
It could be either by the bathroom vanity (if it’s tropical especially it will love the humidity), or put it by the window where you sit down and do your reading or work. Even if it’s a plant stand right by the tv remote. It will help you remember you have a plant baby to take care of!

You want it in places that where you would most likely increase your feminine energy by incentivizing calmness and self-nourishment.
So this would be the bedroom side when you wake up and want to have a calm relaxed feeling. It can be by your coffee table where you do your reading or writing. It can be right by your vanity where you do your self care routine.
Essentially you want to add plants that you enjoy to your space to bring about a slower pace to life that allows you to be more content and fulfilled. It gives you clarity while you’re nurturing these plants, you’re also calming your thoughts; reflecting at where you are in life and what kind of moments to create for yourself in the future that aid in your blossoming.