Focus: Do men like feminine women?
There’s often a misunderstanding when some women think about femininity.
Femininity is not weakness nor is it helplessness. On the contrary, it is strong, nurturing, developing, centered, confident, intentional and thoughtful.
The feminine allure attracts men, because they like the opposite energy and aesthetic of themselves. They naturally want to be vulnerable only for a woman that is welcoming, trustworthy, loving and soft in nature and embrace. Of course he must also be worthy of that type of woman.

Men generally crave the love of a woman. They find women attractive just the way they are in their natural essence. The feminine mystique is not only the physical but it goes way beyond that. Keep reading to understand what else it is.
“Men like how women ARE. Especially how differently some of them behave and feel compared to men. The spectrum for this goes far and wide. Be quite aware: the personality of a woman can be just as attractive to a man as her body.”
-The Male Perspective
1. Feminine Mystique Comes From Pride in Her Feminine Appearance
We all know it. Men are visual in nature. And so when they observe a woman who visibly takes care of her hair, skin, teeth, clothing, and overall physique, they consider her a viable healthy partner. And they anticipate she will continue to take care of herself for her own well being.
How She Wears Her Hair
To some men feminine mystique could be showing the woman’s nape when she puts her hair up in a ponytail. To to others it’s when she nonchalantly ties her hair up in a quick messy bun.
The first thing they notice about women is her luxurious hair. They don’t particularly like greasy hair, hair with too much product, or hair that is overdyed (especially an unnatural color).
They love the natural soft state of the woman, and they love seeing her in genuine comfortable state with her hair. Natural healthy hair is a sign of good health which subconsciously indicates fertility.
Many men have mentioned that they simply love the comfy clothes/messy hair/no makeup rawness.

How She Gets Ready
Men love watching a woman get ready. How she does her hair, moisturizes her skin and does her makeup. Especially when getting dressed. They enjoy how she picks out her clothes and wears them to complement her body.
“There’s this certain look a woman gives herself in the mirror when she knows she’s looking just right. It’s just awesome.”
Her Softness, Her Shape and Her Smell
A woman’s soft skin, feminine silhouette and her smell (usually her perfume or her hair conditioner or lotion), can send a man into a spiral. It can be overstimulating for them when she is enriched in her own feminine energy.

A woman who nourishes herself is confident and who does it in a consistent manner is quite attractive to the male gaze.
“The average woman is like a 7, the average dude is like a potato.”
And the feminine mystique is all about being confident and intentional in showcasing your particular flavor of womanhood.
The little things. Facial expressions, your laugh, your smile, playing with hair, nervous movements
She knows her effect as a feminine woman alone is hypnotizing enough and quiets a room when she walks in.
2. Feminine Mystique Flows from the Gracefulness of a Woman’s Demeanor.

To be graceful in demeanor is to carry oneself with self respect, care and confidence.
Her movement is effortless; smooth and self-controlled. She is not causing too much attention to herself because she doesn’t seek it. If she receives it, it’s because she is confident in her own skin and it is displayed through her demure mannerisms.
She is very aware of her self from within and around others.
The way she walks is fluid and very composed. She is not grasping at everything trying to get it together. She is put together and is prepared to move in that manner.
Her speech is calm and generally soft to the ears (not harsh and shrilly). Her vocabulary is clean and shows the depth of her intellect. She is not yelling across the room at someone. She is not crass or seeking validation. She rather quietly approach the person and speak to them directly in a more private manner. This lets her create better connections as well.
Her posture is elongated and proper. She stands with confidence and sits with grace. She is not slouched over or hunched over her phone in public. She takes personal pride in how she treats her body and presents it.
“Then the voice, the sound of women’s laughter, the way they walk, the way they move, the way they look at you, their deliciously different way of thinking and feeling… And then those dresses. Men just LOVE all those different styles women can dress!”
You can read more about the demeanor of the Dark Feminine in particular in this article here.
3. Feminine Mystique Embodies a Calm and Centered Temperament
She is not quick to anger, because she is cognizant of the effects it will have on her health and mind as well as to others.

Instead she keeps a thoughtful and centered temperament that allows her to assess a situation with clarity, compassion, and perspective.
She practices some sort of meditative practice (whatever brings her to her center), as a stress response in order to keep that calmness and peace within her. She understands the necessity of not over-extending herself and when she needs to unplug for her own health.
This type of temperament is attractive to men because it shows that she could be a peaceful loadstone for him. He is drawn to her softness and a safe space to be vulnerable with her in his home and in his life.
4. Feminine Mystique is Knowing How to Praise a Man Deserving of Recognition in an Encouraging Flirty Way
Men don’t receive enough praise or appreciation for who they are or what they do sometimes.
She knows how to pick him up and appreciate her partner whenever she can. This makes the man feel valued and loved. It reaffirms what they are doing is being appreciated (being hitting the gym more, or they have changed their hair style).
After all, men do most of what they do to subconsciously seek the approval of the woman.
5. Feminine Mystique is How She Makes a House into a Loving Home

Women have a way of making a cold house into a cozy warm home. They make it so comfortable that you really enjoy being in that space and would rather stay in. They do this everywhere they go and it’s lovely to watch for men!
“The ability to decorate anything and make it feel like home. Even when I was deployed we lived in these “metal crates” for lack of a better word. When I saw the girl’s living quarters it always had a nice feel to it! Men only had the necessities. Girls where able to acquire lights, a rug, just little trinkets that made it more pleasant.”
So go ahead and hit up that HomeGoods and Target with your hearts content girl. He secretly loves that you know how to make the place a warm loving place to be!
6. Feminine Mystique Is Seeing Her Thriving in What She Loves

Listening to her talk about her dreams with passion, seeing that she has focus and drive, seeing in her element is exciting for men to see as well. Good men like to see women thrive in their passion, they feel genuine happiness seeing them do what makes them happy.
“When she’s lost in time doing her favorite hobby. I love watching women when she’s doing something that resonates with her spirit. I don’t even want to disturb her.”
7. Feminine Mystique is How She Knows How to Intuitively Nurture.
I think this quote below explains it all. Nurturing when the time calls for it can sometimes just be patience and presence.

“There are times when men feel like they’ve been undermined or despite their hard work and best intentions things turned out the opposite of the way they expected it. Or they’re just plain defeated or depressed. A lot of guys won’t complain because they have been trained by society not to.
They might appear whiney and this unmanly if they complain. I’m not saying it’s your responsibility to pick up on this every time, but if something’s wrong chances are you will know. The last thing you should do is press him about it. He may not even know how to express what’s going on at the moment–and just needs time to process his thoughts.
In the meantime, just let him know you’re there for him and try to be responsive to his needs. He’ll snap out of it and he’ll appreciate that you were there for him even if you feel like you didn’t do anything. Knowing you’re a lifeline if we need it, is enough for us.”
BONUS: Taking the Initiative Behind Doors
Men appreciate when you can take charge too. It really adds to the feminine mystique because once again confidence in yourself dictates that you know you’re sexy and you want HIM, now. It makes him feel great about himself because he wants to be desired too.

“Finally it doesn’t hurt to initiate bedroom time occasionally by simply making eye contact and pushing him aggressively onto the bed on his back to show him non-verbally that you do desire him. Trust me, it means a lot. In this case, a push is worth a thousand words.”