Written by JWM (husband of duty & femininity writer)
1. Provide general guidance, but allow him to make final decisions occasionally.
I’m not saying he always has to make the decisions, but it is healthy to let him lead from time to time.
You don’t always have to be the one in charge, finding the restaurants, planning the itinerary, looking up places to go etc. He will definitely just go with the flow if you take change, but boost his inner masculine energy by letting him decide.
You can provide some direction, some preferences, and let him plan it out.
The Impact: This allows him to step into his leadership role and feel like he is needed and appreciated for his input. By turning to him for guidance and planning, you’ve empowered him to feel wanted and purposeful. Even if he grumbles in the beginning from being so used to you handling, have the following conversation with him.
“Honey I’d really like to plan our evening, I’d like to go out someplace casual with comfort food. Can you find us a place please? You have good taste in food/restaurants”
Adding the compliment can be nice if it’s genuine. So always be authentic!

2. Appreciation of his provided insights and feedback.
Taking a pause and giving him credit where it’s due is very important.
The best thing you can do for him to feel in masculine energy, is ask for him input and then show gratitude for it.
Impact: This solidifies his importance as the man in your life and allows him to see that he is providing a positive influence in your life. His advice or feedback is taken into serious consideration and you are thankful that he has provided it. He just wants to be heard, just like you do.

3. Allowing him to help you when you are struggling.
I understand you are an independent woman who can handle herself and matters. However, trusting someone to help you is a HUGE sign of respect, and it also shows that you feel safe being in your feminine energy with him.
So let him help if you want him to step into his masculine energy and take on the role of protector/provider with you.
Allow him to help with something you may have started but may need a partner to help finish. Perhaps it’s some garden work, apartment furniture hunting, or a review of a project you have coming up.
Impact: His masculine energy gets nurtured when you ask for help, ask for his input or ask that he assist you with some partner project work. He feels great because you asked HIM to help. You see him as being capable and a man of true reliability and value.

4. Genuine Compliments on His Natural Strengths
If he’s doing something good or has been making some serious gains in self development, acknowledge it!
Shower him with love and genuine compliments about how smart, strong or introspective of a man he is. Be forthcoming but authentic. Don’t force the compliment.
Acknowledge his hard work when you see it and take note of the skills he’s already built before meeting you.
Impact: Quite frankly it is appreciation and validation of his hard work as a man. Men need to see that efforts are being recognized and revered by others (especially his woman).

5. Be Forthright of your Respect for His Value in front of Others.
Be proud of your man’s accountability and skillsets in front of others.
When you’re out with others in a group, the sexiest most feminine thing you can do is compliment your guy in front of others. Bolstering his status in front of the eyes of others, truly makes him shine with appreciation because he is being valued!
Impact: He steps into masculine energy more by gaining the confidence that you instilled in him in front of friends. You are telling the world you are proud to be with him. And this makes him feel truly loved and seen. You are boosting his confidence, his sense of self and his relationship with you.

Overarching Trend
There is a clear trend here. By showing your man he is important and his perspective, his input and his presence is needed and appreciated. He should not just be someone you enjoy doing things.
He should be someone you can count on and respect. And when he is positively reinforced for this responsible actions, his true masculine energy is reinforced.